Sunday, December 13, 2015

Successful run

I've been working on a dresser for my daughter, and using the CNC for some of the curves that will go on the dresser's bottom.

Last week I had an unsuccessful run where the CNC router suddenly decided to diverge from the path. I'm not sure if it was a user error or something else; it happened as I was preparing to hand things off to another operator. One of the things that I noticed was that the router had no problems going through the oak, even though it was already about 10mm deep.

But this week I had a successful run. The parameters were: cut depth of 2mm (up from 1mm), feed rate of 197.302 mm/min. The full file is available at

One of the reason this run was a success was that none of the plunges happened in the wood; they all happened slight off to the side.

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