Monday, July 28, 2014

Lessons learned from milling aluminum

  • No manual steps for the g-code generation.  The workflow that I came up with for the top brackets is:
    •   Draw in Inkscape
    •   Export to SVG
    •   SVG into makercad
    •   Manually adjust the vertical position for the SVG
    •   Add profile operations
    •   Export g-code
    The problem is that the manual positioning made the process impossible to reproduce.  In my case, I wanted to change the feed rates in the middle of the first run, but have it mill the same workpiece. 
  • If the piece around the spindle's collet starts to shake, stop things before it falls off.
  • The settings from Inventables for milling aluminum work.
  • Mill in the center if you want to avoid getting aluminum dust on the y-axis rails and carriage. 


  1. I think we need to see video of this stuff happening. Demo! Demo!

  2. Here you go:
