Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Fans and pots

I've turned the potentiometers for the X and Y axis all the way up, and expanded the Lego case to include two fans.
So far everything looks good. 

Except that it turns out I have a 90 watt power supply, and when the potentiometers are turned all of the way up the power supply can't supply the full load.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Upgraded to x-carve z-axis

Last week the coupler on the z axis slipped during a run. 
I then ordered the x-carve z-axis plate, pulleys, and closed loop cable and swapped it in this week end. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Grbl settings, for the next upgrade

I upgraded the firmware to 0.9, but forgot to save the Grbl settings.

Here are the input parameters used for the Grbl settings calculator:

X/Y belt pitch (inches): 0.0787402
X/Y motor (steps/rev) 200
X/Y pulley teeth 20
X/Y microsteps 8

Z threaded rod pitch (mm) 1.25
Z motor (steps/rev) 200
Z micro steps 2