Sunday, April 13, 2014


I've been having some fun building out my Shapeoko 2, with Matthew, and it is about time that I started to document it, if only for my future self.
Today's learning experience involves bits.
On one of my initial runs I'd broken the bit that shipped with my Shapeoko 2.  Undeterred, I bought a few more 1/8" bits at the hardware store around the street corner.  I also, on a whim, bought a 1/8" Dremel router bit.
I wasn't very happy with the results.  My circles, were, well, mostly circular.   Probably because you could see the long 1/8" bits deflecting as they moved across the grain.
Today, after another 1/8' bit broke, I broke out the Dremel router bit.
Oh my.  What a difference a shorter, more solid shaft makes.  My circles are actually circles now.  It's even quieter.